fredag 7 maj 2010

Are you eating alone??

Today I had me a lunch in town. I stood in line together with other people enjoying their lunch break. While I was standing in the line I looked for a good meal among the different dishes that was offered. Most of them were labeled; "Måltid för en", which means "Dish for one person". They were put in a clean enlosed plastic tray, and it would be mine to the cost of 65 skr.

As I payed it I realised that together with a little juice to drink, it costed 90 skr (more than 10 dollars). I was a little puzzled and sat there looking at my prey for the day. And I wondered: Is this something that even exists in Tanzania? An enclosed meal for one person? I really need to take a closer look. My thesis is that you seldom eat alone in Tanzania. I might be wrong, but I believe in every way that this fast-eating-enclosed-and-lonely-behavior of ours is a curse upon our society. Loneliness is a curse, and we need to break it. Stay with us for the time ahead. We will report from our culture exchange between Tanzania and Sweden during the summer of 2010.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Önskar er allt gott på resan! Vi kommer att läsa med spänning! medan vi själva förbereder oss för vårt uppdrag...

  2. Sååå kul, ni är häftiga. Vi våra tunnisar som förlitar oss på flygbolag och annat flyktigt. Ni har ändå sulorna på jorden!
    Ha det gott!
    folket på Arlanda gnm Anci
